privacy policy

privacy policy

Basic policy

This site recognizes the importance of personal information and believes that it is a social responsibility to protect personal information. go to

Scope of application

This privacy policy indicates the policy that this site will comply with when handling your personal information or similar information.

Purpose of use of personal information

This site uses information provided by customers within the scope of the following purposes.

  • For identity verification
  • To confirm and respond to inquiries, comments, etc.
  • For distribution and sending of e-mail magazines, direct mails, various notifications, etc.
  • For implementation of campaigns, questionnaires, monitors, interviews, etc.
  • For provision, improvement, development and marketing of services
  • To provide personal information to business partners, organizations, etc. based on the customer's consent and application
  • To investigate actions prohibited by the terms of use, etc.
  • Other purposes for which you have individually consented
Management of personal information

In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, this site will thoroughly implement security measures, and will implement necessary and appropriate levels of safety measures against risks such as leakage, falsification, and unauthorized access of personal information.

This site uses SSL encryption to prevent important information from being read or tampered with by third parties.

Provision of personal information to third parties

This site will not provide personal information to third parties unless there is a valid reason including the following.

  • When there is consent of the person himself/herself
  • When required by law
  • When it is necessary to protect human life, body, or property
  • When it is necessary for public health and the sound development of children
  • In the case of cooperating with administrative affairs stipulated by laws and regulations of national institutions (tax investigation, statistical investigation, etc.)

This site may outsource personal information to other businesses within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Inquiries about personal information

If there is a request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., we will respond according to the prescribed method. For specific methods, please contact us as we will guide you individually.


A cookie is a mechanism that saves the user's site browsing history on the user's computer.

Users can refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings. However, if you refuse cookies, some services and functions of this site may not work properly.

access analysis

This site uses "Google Analytics" provided by Google for site analysis and improvement.

This service uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable.

Ad delivery

This site uses third-party advertising service "Google Adsense".

Ad distributors may use cookies to display advertisements that match the interests of users. This makes it possible to identify the user's browser, but does not identify an individual.

See for details on how to disable cookies and "Google Adsense".

Also, as an Amazon Associate, we earn income from qualifying sales.

Comment/Inquiry Form

This site collects the data displayed in the comment and inquiry forms, as well as IP addresses and browser user agent strings to help spam detection.

An anonymized hash string created from your email address may be provided to the Gravatar service to verify if you are using it.

See for the privacy policy of the service.

Note that once your comment is approved, your profile picture will be visible to the public along with your comment.

Embedded content from other sites

Our site includes embedded content (videos, images, posts, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves exactly the same as if the visitor had visited that site.

These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with embedded content.

This includes tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you are logged in to that site with an account.


We strive to post as accurate information as possible regarding the contents and information of this site, but we do not guarantee accuracy or safety. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the content posted on this site.

If you move from this site to another site via a link or banner, we do not take any responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided at the destination site.

Prices posted on this site are subject to change without notice.

Copyright/portrait rights

The copyrights, portrait rights, etc. of all content (text, images, videos, sounds, files, etc.) posted on this site are owned by the owner of this site or each right holder, and unauthorized use (reprinting, duplication) without permission is prohibited. , transfer, secondary use, etc.) is prohibited. In addition, we do not allow any modification, modification, or addition of content.

If there is a problem with the contents of the posted content, please contact the owner of each right. We will respond quickly.


In principle, this site is link-free. No permission or contact is required for linking. When quoting, please specify the source and link to the relevant page.

However, please refrain from direct links to image files or links displayed within HTML pages using inline frames.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This site will review the content of this privacy policy as appropriate and strive to improve it.

This privacy policy is subject to change without prior notice.

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when posted on this site.